Awarded Archdaily's Best New Practices

April 2024


Roofscapes is one of ArchDaily’s 20 New Best Practices for 2024!

At the heart of the initial reflections that sparked the creation of Roofscapes, there was a desire to challenge conventional modes of architectural production by directly addressing the urgent need for climate change adaptation in the built environment. Back in 2014, when we met during our first semester of architecture school, ArchDaily was already the most-visited architecture website globally and served as one of our main vehicles to learn about contemporary architecture.

10 years later, we are thrilled to see Roofscapes among ArchDaily's 20 New Best Practices for 2024! Congratulations to everyone else, we are excited about the many alternatives to standard architecture practice included in this year’s list. Thank you to David Basulto and the entire ArchDaily team for believing in our approach for the adaptation of European city centers to a changing climate.